I feel like the captain of the Titanic. On good days, I'm bailing water, hoping to make a difference and see the ship rise a few inches, to stem back the oncoming flood. On bad days, I just sit back and polish the brass.
And yet, I remain optomistic. With a God as big and storied as mine, I know He's in control.
The book of Judges gives us a lot of stories about a lot of people that He used. Samson is one of my favourites because he screws up royally, yet with his last breath he redeems himself. God uses Samson to make a point and bring Isreal back to Himself.
If I'm going down with the ship, I want to go down in style! If God's using me as a cautionary tale, I want to make sure I do everything in my power (and His will) to make it a good tale.
The thief on the cross behind Jesus deserved to be there, dying in agony. Yet I know that when his time came, he was in Heaven's endless glory, just as Christ promised him.
If I'm to die poor, alone, having lived a life where nothing (save Christ's saving works) went right, it will be a life well lived. A life rewarded handsomely.
Friday was His death. He BECAME sin, so when He died, sin would die with Him. "Thanks, Jesus. Sin is dead. Whoo!"
But then comes Sunday. Sunday is His rebirth. His resurrection. With the resurrection, He becomes life, so while He lives, we live with Him.
There can be no forgiveness without the shedding of blood. So rich is our Father's love for us that He shed His blood. When's the last time you shed your blood for someone you loved? Perhaps you gave blood for a much needed transfusion to save an uncle? Gave a kidney for your sick cousin? Jesus chose to give His life for us. He chose to give His life for me. For you. I have a hard time giving money for people I care about. I shutter at the thought of giving an organ, and I refuse to give blood as I'm scared to death of needles. This isn't love.
Love is sacrificial. Always. If it doesn't hurt, it's not love. But let me be clear. If all it does is hurt, it's probably not love either.
In our search for love on this earth, I'm certain that the trick is finding someone who makes the sacrifice as painless and natural as possible; Someone who makes the choice of giving of ourselves easy. I cannot imagine how hard it was for our Father to give His life. I cannot imagine how hard we made that choice. How I would burn with anger at mankind, were I God. How I would seethe. Noah would not have survived the flood, were I in charge. How hard must that choice have been, knowing how sinful I am, how wrapped up in shame and pride, for God to sacrifice His Son?
Thank God I am not He, or we'd all be screwed.
We have our picture of Love, our example. It died on a cross, in agony, taking on our wrongdoings, our sin. It rose 3 days later, exchanging our nature for one of righteousness. Our best acts, our most righteous acts or thoughts or movements all pale in comparison.
He is risen, I'm not worthy, and I wouldn't have it any other way.