Thursday, December 16, 2010

On discipline, self-indulgence.

Islam, literally translated, means Duty.
as well it should.
everything about this life on earth is a discipline. some are easier than others. breathing, easy. eating, easy. not eating too much, not so easy. exercising, harder still.
even our world views are disciplines. whether christian, jewish, agnostic, atheist, whatever, we have to work to keep up our beliefs. we can't rest on our laurels, or we'll lose sight of what we're doing, where we're going.
it's that way with everything. as soon as we think there's nothing else to know, or learn, or do, we officially give up all desire to live. whether we get there by our victories and the ensuing pride and glory, or it's depression that brings us there, it all ends the same.
funny how that works out. 
i've got so much left in me to do, so much to see, but i feel more and more like i'm running out of time. not an onset of death, mind you, just... that the season is ending sooner than i'd like. 
that my time of youthfulness is soon to depart, leaving me with the settling of accounts that accompanies adulthood. 
by all accounts, as my age indicates, i am an adult.
so why don't i feel like it? why can't i see myself as such?
i know i didn't intentionally do this to myself. but then, who's to blame? can any one party take all the blame, honestly? aren't all involved guilty, in some way?
aye, we are.
next question is, can i do anything about it?
am i prepared for it?
can i live an adult life? get a real job? buy a house? find a girl, get married? 
why am i even thinking about this crap?
i'll take each day as it comes, trying to live the best i can, being the best me that i can be. and my God, i hope it's glorious!

1 comment:

  1. okay.
    i firmly believe that age is nothing but a number.
    that's complete cliched but it's so very true.
    my grandpa constantly tells us he doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up.
    as well as there's a huge difference between being childish and being youthful.
    just because you have adult responsibilities, doesn't mean you have to be a stereotypical adult.
    being a normal adult is overrated anyway.
    so don't see it as a window, a phase of your life closing; it's just this ever evolving thing.
    life's too short to try to limit the possibilities.
    to quote Little Miss Sunshine: "do what you love and fuck the rest." :)
